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Nailing It

Today's Dream: Let's Talk Nails

I have to confess that I am a hoarder of nail polish (see picture)...yes, I know it's a problem...and no, I am not willing to seek help for it. How can you not love color on your hands and toes?! It's like a semi-permanent accessory for your phalanges, am I right?!

So let's talk about what/who I like to use. Being a hairdresser's daughter means I get to experiment with different kinds of product all of the time! I have to say, the more expensive the brand, like Channel, the less likely it is to stay on. Just because Chanel has that standard of living you wish to portray doesn't mean it is worth spending $27 on it. The best brands out there are Essie, Orly, Gelish, and O.P.I in my opinion. They have endless color options and even texture options for you to choose from! I tend to stick to solid colors on all fingers and toes because I think it looks less distracting. Although nail art is HUGE and I do like to wear it from time to time, I find that for my stlye I like to stick to simplicity.

Here is what I am currently wearing: Hands - O.P.I Liquid Sand, Toes - Essie with O.P.I matte top coat.

One piece of advice: be adventurous with your nails! If you don't like it, all you have to do it rub it off and start again!


The Darling Dreamer

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