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The New Comfort Zone

Today’s Dream: Soft Clothes

I am typically the queen of impracticality when it comes to fashion but recently I have been obsessing over soft clothes. How I lived life before comfy clothes is beyond me. But I am here today to tell you about the best places to find these inexpensive luxuries and how to style them without feeling like you are too casual.

So let’s start with how to put them together. Cozy fabrics tend to be on the more casual side but there is a way to make them work or party appropriate! Use the “3 or more” rule; you need at least three accessories when dressing up casual clothes. Be creative and go beyond a necklace, bracelet, and ring (by the way three bangles only counts as ONE accessory for this to work). Challenge yourself with a long vest, a thick belt, an infinity scarf, or hat! Luckily all of these are easy to find and start with picking the ones that are your favorite colors.

Now on to where to find the softies…I have to tell you, as much as I personally don’t like going shopping, we all have to physically go to the store to feel out the fabrics that feel like pjs. Because unless you have a degree in textiles or fabrics, you will have no idea what a poly blend cotton is or what it feels like against your skin. So if you need a pep talk before going to the mall you have my email! So anyway, my favorite places to visit have been Lou & Grey (the signature soft collection, Target, and Anthropologie (their sweaters are HEAVEN) and look at the sale section. You can shop a similar look below (my dress is from Lou & Grey's Signature Soft collection) , but I encourage you to venture out on your own!

Long days are more bearable in soft clothes and its excellent for layering for winter!

So may your work week be short, your new stylist comfort level achieved, and your coffee extra strong!

P.s. See what I have been up to in the post "Hello!"


The Darling Dreamer

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