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Today's Dream: A Time To Catch Up

Hello my friends!

I have been long absent from the blogging world and I feel as though that time has officially come to an end! It is only right that I tell you what I have been up to these last few months right?! So here it goes…

I went to school to become a licensed aesthetician, my sister got married, and I am just now able to catch my breath! So much change in so little time and I discovered a lot about myself. I discovered who I am, I encountered new friendships and mentors, and learned how to maintain balance in a world full of chaos. When a person goes through a lot of change at one time many things become, ironically, more clear. I am finding my voice and have found a new love for expressing it!

It’s funny to think how much I loathed school until I found the one school, Penrose Academy, where their main goal was to help me not only become a talented aesthetician but also become my best self. I didn’t think I would be able to emotionally bare my sister getting married and starting a new chapter but I was able to! School was hard and dedicated work and I have to thank those that I met (and of course trusted friends and family) who helped me withstand it all and helped me be the strong person that was there the whole time.

Who knew I would have inherited an entire building full of friends whose hearts are just as beautiful as their faces. I am so lucky to have been lead to this place that has grown so dear to my heart.

But enough bragging about one of my favorite place, on to my second favorite activity….BLOGGING. Your girl is back with lots of new tips, tricks, and outfits! But for now, enjoy a few photos from the last few months of adventuring!


The Darling Dreamer

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